A man named Joshua Slaughter was arrested for stealing a car. On the day of his hearing he participated on an online zoom call with the judge and the prosecutor in another stolen car.
As the Zoom hearing proceeded, police pulled up behind the BMW to investigate a report that it was stolen, according to the state. When cops walked up to the car, they realized Slaughter was appearing in court via his phone.-CWB Chicago
But wait it gets better
Officers researched the BMW's registration and determined that it had been stolen from a dealership in Nashville, prosecutors told Judge Navarro. Police even called the car dealer to confirm the luxury car's status, they said. Cops seized the BMW and took Slaughter into custody. Prosecutors charged him with another misdemeanor count of criminal trespass to a vehicle. -CWB Chicago
The Judge's response to this was amazing
Are you telling me that when the police approached the defendant, he was in the middle of a Zoom court hearing?-Judge David Navarro
The best part of this story is what Slaughter's lawyer said. The lawyer claimed that Slaughter had no idea he was sitting in stolen car.