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Ravens Reportedly Stealing Groceries From Alaskan Costco Customers


Now you may be thinking "Did i click on The Onion by accident" nope this is real

A man named Matt Lewallen was putting his groceries in his car when a raven swooped and stole a short rib from his cart. Lewallen told Anchorage Daily News .

I literally took 10 steps away and turned around, two ravens came down and instantly grabbed one out of the package, ripped it off and flew off with it,
They know what they’re doing; it’s not their first time
They’re very fat so I think they’ve got a whole system there

Not only did the ravens take his short rib but when he got home he noticed that one also to a bite out of another rib.

Lewallen said

I cut that meat out and started marinating it and my wife said, ‘That’s gross, we should take it back
Costco actually took it back even after we had started marinating them and gave us a full refund

This is not even the first report of this.

So if your in Alaska and you want to go shopping at Costco watch out for the raven theives


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